The Parachute
Stephen Mottram
Trinity Theatre
Sat 16 Oct 6pm & 8pm
(60 mins)
Tickets £14
Young and full of energy we set off on life’s adventure. We find love, build homes and have babies. Then suddenly the children have left, and home feels like a waiting room. That’s the moment to strap on a parachute and take charge of things for that final leap into the unknown…
The Parachute is a funny and mesmerising story about youth, love and confronting old age. Armed with Sebastian Castagna’s glorious music and an armful of white tipped wands, puppeteer Stephen Mottram magics up his characters from nowhere. He plays with the way our brains make sense of the things we see and stealthily reels us into a world of movement, populated by captivating, non-existent actors.